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Jerald Joseph (glasses, moustache, white t-shirt) facilitates the session with Orang Asli leaders talking about their basic human rights, JKOASM members offering their comments, coordinator Tijah Yok Chopil (short hair, white stripe shirt) speaks about the need for Orang Asli to assert their powers and claim their basic human rights.
Center for Orang Asli Concerns (COAC) Director Colin Nicholas (glasses, light blue short sleeve shirt) presents about the Orang Asli land rights situation, Bar Council Committee on Orang Asli Rights member Yogeswaran Subramaniam (bald head, grey checkered short sleeve shirt) presents about different laws which affects Orang Asli land and life.
Bar Council Committee on Orang Asli Rights member Yogeswaran Subramaniam (bald head, grey checkered short sleeve shirt) presents about different laws which affects Orang Asli land and life.