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Prem Anand Pillai, (glasses, moustache, purple t-shirt) the cameraman introduces himself, local community leader K. Subramaniam (floral cap, beige long sleeve shirt) addresses the audience sharing about their community history, heritage, language and rights, another local leader G. Thiagarajah (grey hair, beard, white short sleeve shirt) explains about their land rights, scenes of the community and development site, shots of Chetti museum which is managed by its trustee, Kuil Sri Poyatha Venayagar Moorthi (hindu temple), 2 local women orange blouse and batik cloth waist wrap talk about their community traditions, local food, and developmental issues which threaten their community, Former temple trustee G. Thiagarajah (batik floral cap, grey hair and beard, white short sleeve shirt) talks about the Chetti community history and issues