Raw FootageUrban Poor Rawang urban poor longhouse community protests at the Selangor State Secretariat in Shah Alam on the first day of the Selangor State Assembly sitting
Law and ReformRaw Footage Malaysia Bar Council lawyers and NGOs march to Parliament in protest of the Peaceful Assembly Bill in 2011
RacismRaw Footage National Conference on Racism by Pusat Komas and SUHAKAM (Human Rights Commission of Malaysia)
Law and ReformRaw Footage Your Rights and Police Powers – A video launch event by Suaram and Pusat Komas at the Kuala Lumpur Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH)
Alternative HistoryRaw Footage Public Forum entitled “Mat Indara-Pejuang atau Pengkhianat Kemerdekaan Negara” (Mat Indara – hero or traitor of national independence) at the Kuala Lumpur Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH)
Alternative HistoryRaw Footage Free Public Forum entitled “Mat Indara-Pejuang atau Pengkhianat Kemerdekaan Negara” at KLSCAH