Raw FootageUrban Poor PERMAS (Community Residents Association of Selangor and Federal Territories) urban poor longhouse communities in Ampang and their struggles.
Raw FootageUrban Poor PERMAS urban poor communities of Jinjang Utara Longhouse and Kg. Chubadak Tambahan
Raw FootageUrban Poor PERMAS-GRP (Community Residents’ Association of Selangor & Federal Territories-Longhouse Coalition) Assembly in Kuala Lumpur Chinese Assembly Hall
Raw FootageUrban Poor “Naam Nilam” Rawang longhouse community struggle for land in Matang Pagar Selangor
Raw FootageUrban Poor JSPB’s (Support Committee of Urban Pioneers) Mayday celebration in Kg Chubadak Tambahan urban poor settlement in Sentul Kuala Lumpur