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Human rights lawyer Param Cumaraswamy (grey hair, grey jacket, blue shirt) speaks about human rights in Malaysia, Deputy President of Hakam (National Human Rights Society) Malik Imtiaz Sarwar (glasses, white long sleeve shirt) speaks about the essence of the constitution.
Hakam (National Human Rights Society) Deputy President Malik Imtiaz Sarwar (glasses, white long sleeve shirt) speaks about the essence of the constitution, Kota Bharu, Kelantan Parliament member Zaid Ibrahim (glasses, grey hair, black shirt) speaks about the political dimension of the constitution, panelists human rights lawyer Param Cumaraswamy (grey hair, grey jacket, blue shirt), WAO (Women’s Aid Organisation) leader Ivy Nallammah Josiah (glasses, long hair, red checkered shirt), and others respond to comments and questions from the audience.