Scenes before the event, Cartoonist Zunar (black long sleeve t-shirt) signs autographs for his books, audience members comment on Zunar’s cartoon books and their relevance to Malaysia’s political situation, different NGO members address the audience including national laureate and Bersih 2.0 leader Pak Samad (Abdul Samad bin Mohamed Said, grey hair and beard, and purple long sleeve shirt).
Cartoonist Zunar (black long sleeve t-shirt) addresses the audience and talks about his experience, books and Malaysia’s political situation, Keadilan Party leader and Lembah Pantai Parliament member Nurul Izzah (grey headscarf and green long sleeve Malay dress) addresses the audience about Zunar’s books as inspiration, members of the audience comments on Zunar, his work and relevance to the current Malaysian situation, Zunar speaks about his book and his personal security situation because of his work.
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Bahasa Malaysia, English